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Splashtally searches for splash cultures in the city. Rethinking the city waste and its implications is becoming a main line of thought in present time. William McDonough’s Cradle to Cradle, written with his colleague, the German chemist Michael Braungart,maps a hopeful, nature-inspired design principle reshaping the industrial process and offering practical steps on how to innovate within today’s economic environment. On the other hand associations such as basurama study new opportunities for garbage, not so much from a recycle or industrial perspective but re-inventing the functionality of existing waste.

Black, black and white, crude, dirty, disgusting, disturbing, floor, gross, liquid, sick, splash, urban, vomit, white… This research seeks for information on specific parts of waste: liquid splashes. It is casual waste confronting people with an intense momentum of a minor transformation. As children (we were, we are!) we must play with waste as a creative action, this being basic to all human beings. But playing, in this case ought to be analytic, hoping to find clues to understand these (until now) indifferent prototypes within the public space.

There will be two categories or subgroups:

1. Urban still lives.

This group is form by spots more than splashes. Their image represents dirtiness as part of and created by the city in a relatively permanent state. While in context with the city it relates to the surrounding surfaces or block structures. Their presence interacts with people and degenerates or modifies the levels of public in the urban scale. Accordingly, the moving vectors evolve and the comfort levels of the citizens adapt. In this particular sense New York is a great test ground for historic spots with an impact to its immediate landscape. It is more interesting in this first case to analyze the memory of the urban spot-grid framed with the actions and reactions of everyday citizens.

2. Hurry and Zoom!

It searches for liquid matter with formal attitude that connects us with the story behind it. Better if fresh! The action, whether mistaken or deliberated, is better read little after the splashing occurs. It is important to record the progression of the matter while it is still defining its position and future settlement. For this research the splashes must show architecture related issues such as proportion, measurements, volume interpretations sectional analysis and so on. Also information on the quality, viscosity, transparency, taste, ingredients or fluidity about the liquid and data on the previous event/s before the moment of creation should be annotated for research purpose. What is interesting about this category is the authentic capacity for the target to reshape itself through time. Being such a capacity envisioned by artists and architects of all times it is important to study it first with a small scale phenomenon and see how it could be applied to the living human scale.

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