lectures & workshops
PLB has given lectures in New York City at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, as well as the Environmental Health Clinic at New York University, the School of Architecture at Pratt Institute, at the Architecture Department at City College of Technology and at Parsons, The New School in its Interior Design and Architectural Design Programs.
lectures & workshops index
The Digital Poetry Initiative
“Welding” the Educational Pipeline. An Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Digital Technologies and the Liberal Arts.
The Class as a Micrography of the professional Space
Teamwork and Professional Portfolio Curation. Bustling Vacancy / Mapping “behavioural” city patterns to produce architectural space.
10th Annual CUE Conference:
“Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom”
LaGuardia Cummunity College (2014)

Pruitt Igoe
Digital Praxis II Symposium
City University of New York,
Architecture Department (2012)
An inverse problem is the framework that is used to convert observed measurements into information about a physical object or system that we are interested in. The statement of the problem does not thoroughly constrain the solution space.

Urban Metamorphosis III
Urbanity & Processing
The Environmental Health Clinic, Natalie Jeremijenko, NYU (2012)
(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)
How to proclaim an [in]between urban design / architectural discipline?
How to track and [pre]configure a city in flow?
Why data visualization states a new approach on future design?
Why moving away from self-calculated forms?
How does mapping generate a story and vice versa?

Urban Metamorphosis II
Urban Design Story Telling
Lecture for Paris / New York studio with Moji Baratloo: GSAPP, Columbia University (2012)
(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)
Cities today contain more than 50% of the population of the world and this figure is expected to reach 70% by 2030. This statement in itself is almost meaningless. We must question culturally constructed boundaries within cities and understand urbanization as a variation of the urban fabric in terms of density. Furthermore, without a deeper comprehension of the urbanization processes taking place we cannot formulate problemsolving protocols in either local or global urban configurations nor can we even determine what the specific problems are.

Digital Praxis Symposium
City University of New York, Architecture Department (2011)

Urban Metamorphosis I
Urban Design Story Telling
Lecture for Paris / New York studio with Moji Baratloo: GSAPP, Columbia University (2011)
(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)
Urban Metamorphosis principles:
The city as the main character in a story which serves as a framework built upon complex structured links.
The city as a cultural construction of constant metamorphic changes due to active multi-condition dynamics (scale, territory, place and network).
The city as a network of social-political enterprises representing a site and a client.
The building as a cause effect artifact emerged from the internalization of urbanization processes.