ReHousing rethinks the historically stigmatized architectonic preconception of a series of existing Public Housing Developments in New York City. The course proposes conceptual design alterations that pay special attention to morphological reconfigurations and terminological processes embedded in the following definitions:
Inverse Problem
ReHousing Project "A city in a City"
Severino Alfonso Dunn
NYIT / New York Institute of Technology / School of Architecture and Design _ ARCH 340 / Architecture / Urban Design / Revit

F l u x ^ 3
Vladeck Houses II / Polo Grounds Towers

B a r r e d & B o x e d W e b
Alfred Smith Houses / Vladeck Houses

E n g u l f e d A n g l e s
Boulevard Houses / John Haynes Towers

H a r l e m H i g h s u r f a c e
Lehman Village / Riverbend Housing

R i s i n g P r i s m s
Alfred Smith Houses / East River Housing
SPRING 2014 SA: Matthew Buchheit, Alexandra Doudounis, Nauma Haider, Robert Pepe, Marco Sebazco, Simi Shenoy, David Sherland, Mohammad Siddiqui, Stefan Kvapil. SB: Sarah Awad, Erik Barnes, Leeanne Legakis, Taylor Maceli, Jesse Morris, Nicholas Reilly, Paulo Rodrigues, Antwon Ward
Becoming / Assimilation