My Home, My Neighbor, My Neighborhood
Loukia Tsafoulia & Severino Alfonso Dunn
CUNY / New York City College of Technology / Architectural Technology _ ARCH 3510 / Architectural Design Studio V, summer intensive course
The studio’s mission is to create an “osmosis” of the private and public domain in the urban block as a successful recipe for producing vivid cities, resilient to social and racial segregation. Students are asked to structure a narrative that addresses both top-down and bottom-up design approaches in order to re-think domesticity in the city of New York. The house is seen not only as a functional device for living but also as a crucial component for shaping the urban development.
The studio focuses on the design development and detailing of both commercial and residential units as well as the “in between” spaces that blur the boundaries between the public and the private domains. Students are required to meet design and functional needs within a given program. The course also addresses the design level after schematic design: design development. It includes the integration of lighting, plumbing fixtures, interior materials, finishes, space programming and furniture layout.
Juror guests: Marcelo López-Dinardi, Elizabeth Parks, Darryl Cook, Nikos Vlavianos, Reza Zia, Zahra Elahy, Rachel Barnand, Peter Zaharatos, Lia Dikigoropoulou
P r e s e n t a t i o n B o a r d s
R e s e a r c h & D o c u m e n t a t i o n
Urban Paths
My Home, My Neighboor, My Neighborhood
Body in Space
Domestic Equipment Preferences
Site Analysis
A b s t r a c t i o n | S y s t e m D e f i n i t i o n
Home Scenarios (Private / Public)
Massing Scenarios (Residential / Commercial)
Hybrid (Residential / Commercial)
U n i t s Z o o m I n
Residential Units
Commercial Units
S y s t e m U p d a t e | Z o o m O u t
SUMMER 2014 Mohammad Alsharif, Carlin Baez, Azare Borukhov, Gianfranco Calderon, Jaeyoung Choi, Hadiza Djibring, Ori Dona, Endirichard Jolalpa, Hamsa Khamis, Elina Maharjan, Michelle Matthews, Jordany Peralta, Alondra Ramos, Abhinash Vishnudat, Carolina Walters, Danielle Zender
Becoming / Assimilation