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PLB Datalization

plbFab is involved in a protocol of thoughts and actions based on three precise methodological steps:


Building Analysis  /  Research / Datalization 

Argument  /  Diagram / Computation
Prototype /  Fabrication



Data visualization structures concluded the need for comprehending human settling and behavioral processes in the realm of urban metamorphosis.

datalization index

U r b a n        D a t a l i z a t i o n

Roof Farming Potential


Long Island City, NY, Urban Research

​(2012) (w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)

(for Natalie Jeremijenko)


Within a volume of growing potential in the neighborhood of Long Island City (New York City) additional parameters can establish vertical roof farming potentials (base area ratio, structural capacity, age of building construction and floor growth capacity for each module). These depicted relationships orient optimization protocols for food production capacities in the neighborhood.

Store Density


Brownsville, NY, Urban Research

​(2012) ​(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)


We have depicted colored area iso-curve analysis regarding the main store centers in the neighborhood of Brownsville in New York City. The calculation is made from stores with an area greater than 15,000 SqFt in order to understand the potential for fresh food delivering in this urban realm. It considers distance relationships with residential units nearby.

Volume Optimization


no specific location



Any site can be the input for the base parameter of this optimization project. The calculation deals with multiple options for volumetric and front and side façade quantification analysis. The video shows 1000 iterations with front façade = 100m2 and a maximum side elevation = 150m2. A controlled restriction in maximum height and side and front setbacks were established in the calculation criteria.

Building Height / Density


Long Island City, NY, Urban Research


Urban Layer Swarm


no specific location

​(2011) ​(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki, Dimitra Gelagoti)

Food Desert


United States



In a national scale (United States) visualizations of data sheets can help us establishing clear messages toward social considerations such as food desert parings for three states (Alabama, Arizona  and Arkansas).


Data collected:

1.Rural population vs. urban population Food Desert parameters.

2.Ratio of total population vs. population living in a Food Desert area.



Brownsville, NY, Urban Research

​(2011) ​(w/ Dimitra Gavrilaki)


Long Island City data sources allow for visualizations of the FAR (Floor Area Ratio) module in the neighborhood. We have computed the relationship between the exiting FAR module and the potential FAR for each building unit to explore growth capacities in the New York City neighborhood. It is a first step for understanding inputs to declare possible urban responses.

Galaxy Zoom I


no specific location



U r b a n        D a t a l i z a t i o n

Scale War I



A suggestion for problem solving in the design world is to see the problem from all perspectives and scales. It is a common mistake to miss the urban picture when considering architectural design problem solving. 


Here is an inside view of a complex dynamic particle system:

Relationship between groups of particles, variations in number per group setting and recognition of a core center versus small satellite node structures in the perimeter.

Swarm Automata

space will evolve into a replicator of nature…

​(2011) ​(w/ Eva Poulopoulou, Diago Morel Perea, Dimitra Gelagoti)


The supernatural imitation of design will by no means be driven by a naturalistic morphing of physical elements. Spatial components instead will create a dynamic system of elevating and sinking. A constant oscillation of streamed contouring will create a physical analogue of wave dynamics. But how a space like this space is created as a straightforward metonymy of nature? Topographical geometry is already being captivated through gis files into lists of quantitative and qualitative data. Every pixel of grayscale tones can, according to the variations of grey palette, show the height differences meaning the actual obliquity of the environment.


(2011) (w/ Tom Sebastian Grøgaard, Zahra Elahy)


The project displays apoptosis which is a systematic​ process of cell suicide to maintain the normal development​ and homeostasis of the adult organism. Apoptosis​ counterbalances the increase of cell numbers by proliferation​ and removes unwanted and unnecessary cells.​ “This is a very orderly process during which the genome​ of the cell is broken down, the cell is fragmented into​ smaller pieces and the debris is consumed by nearby​ phagocytic cells that clean up the cell fragments.” This system is a self-sustained digital ecology representing the apoptosis cellular structural balance. The environment has been initially populated by series of cells and as time passes the process of recursion starts. 

Weaving Generative Process

​(2011) (w/ Xiang Li)


The evolution in the project changes the configuration of the perpendicular ordinary structure introducing voids, surfaces, connectors, elimination of corners, etc.

arkLink       paramLink

Bonsai City






Sadic / Apiaries

​(2011) (w/ Brian Buckner)


A reaction diffusion code as a generator for beehive forms.

Cell Interation



Nakagin Computation



Anchor Urban
Anchor Concept
Mr Perkins
Anchor Branching
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