The aim is to dream impossible scenes subject to time framing. Projects question time/space in its early stage of conception. Designing with this ovular mentality is to establish links between design, body and mind. Furthermore, analytical dismantling of a design requires motion picture constructions.
animation index
Persona Grotesco
(2014) for Fabula & Syuzhet
Fabula & Syuzhet is an accumulation of design narratives. Fabula & Syuzhet creates priceless body embellishments with unique characteristics designed to meet self-styled individuals. Every and each of their themes is inspired by a design narrative with infinite climax to fit the infinite qualities in human reality.
My Accent is Beautiful
Beginning studies for the Blob Theory Animation Series, related to the Digital Poetry Initiative developed by PLB studio for future academic engagement.
blob theory
This is a Blob World
Beginning studies for the Blob Theory Animation Series, related to the Digital Poetry Initiative developed by PLB studio for future academic engagement.
blob theory
Pruitt Igoe
An inverse problem is the framework that is used to convert observed measurements into information about a physical object or system that we are interested in.
The Indeterminable Architecture?
The video is a water route through space and time describing different spatial qualities inside the skyscraper but also implying the sequence of time through different architectural periods in order to comment on the skyscraper and express the uncanny feeling of the contemporary architect to deal with the contradictions between our given techno-social paradigms and the informational network.
Danny the dog - Massive Attack / Emulator, Rebonds - Xenakis Iannis / Fear/full tense - Requiem for a dream / Mexri pou nixtose - Stereo Nova
Universal Comfort
(2011) (w/ Kasey Josephs)
Rather than optimize efficiency, our new position optimizes comfort. This strategy is far from being efficient according to Levitt and Lomborg in terms of ‘green’ however it is a factor that must be considered. We used the same cloud seeding strategy developed in position 1 but changed the location to protect public outdoor space rather than buildings. The cloud’s velocity, intensity, and color changed in response to the weather. The cloud could be seen as a beacon in Bryant Park displaying important data or reflecting the activity below.
(2011) (w/ Foteinos Soulos)
Full Tense - Clint Mansell
Bonsai Tower - Nakagin Case II
The word 'Bonsai' comes from the Japanese, and means literally plant (sai) in a small pot (bon).
The design strategy starts from understanding the natural growth of the building and then studies a potential growth both given by the individual as a unit living the space and from the city as a brain map constrain. The city selects and intensifies.
Social Impact
(2011) (w/ Kasey Josephs)
We chose the UN Headquarters as grounds for investigating what to optimize: time, impact, cost, comfort, efficiency. The political function and multicultural diversity should maintain a close relationship with the city of New York and the rest of the world. This modernist landmark built in the early 1950s, is now dated in terms of energy efficiency. What does efficiency really mean? We designed a new envelope that uses passive strategies to diffuse direct solar radiation.
Mr Perkins
(2011) (w/ Xiang Li)
The machine makes powder out of the concrete, generates mortar from it and projects it against a newly configured (by the machine) reinforced grid. The machine deals with the structural symbiosis between the old and the new. The former program is invaded by the introduction of a new morphology producing a new program. The machine does not stop after the original program disappears; on the contrary, the machine develops another program starting a new metamorphosis process.
Pink Elephants on Parade - Oliver Wallace
When I see an Elephant Fly - Oliver Wallace
Skyscraper Torn Hornsberg
(2007) (f/ Lomar Arkitekter)
La Mer - Claude Debussy
Nocturnes - Claude Debussy
Quatour pour la fin du Temps - Olivier Messiaen