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PLB Performative Space
Performative Space

Loukia Tsafoulia (course coordinator) + Severino Alfonso in collaboration w/ Christopher Swift from the Department of Humanities

Digital Assistant:  Dana Bazzi / Mentor: Sayli Korgaonkar

NYCCT, New York City College of Technology – City University of New York / ARCH 2310 Architectural Design III





This project requires an interdisciplinary collaboration between the department of Humanities and Architecture Technology. This project will be 3.5 weeks and it will be used as the beginning point for the design of the 2nd project of the semester which is a house. The objective of this 1st project is for students to understand how to develop a design intention and apply it to the creation of threedimensional spaces. Main purpose is that the students familiarize with notions such as performance, performative space, narrative, abstraction, mapping. Students at a second phase (4th week) are expected to incorporate ideas about context, program and structure into their designs.


How do humans remake designed space, giving new meanings to spaces, new uses, changed hierarchies? What does “bodied space” mean? What is the difference between abstraction and representation in graphic illustration? How can space be narrativized, or narrative be materialized with objects, walls, and topography?


This interdisciplinary objective aims towards changing the way students think about the subject they are studying. So, students understand architecture from the USERS perspective, as opposed to the planner’s design. They understand better how “tactical” space and “strategic” space interact and converse.




Students are asked to choose from a list an act or literature piece that they will utilize its narrative to create a series of 2d and 3d mappings/diagrams. These diagrams will be first illustrated drawings and then the drawings will be translated into 3d physical models. You will develop a new narrative that describes your design intent. This narrative will address the concept of your design and guide your design process.


Reading List


List of the readings excerpts:

Appia, New Art-Material and Reform

De Certeau, practice snippets

Lefebvre, Production of Space

Performance and Architecture, PAJ


Allen Stan_Practice_MappingTheUnmappable

JamesCorner Agency of Mapping

Petra Blaisse


Video Resources


Dimitris Papaioannou




Pina Baushe



Andres Kriegenburg

The Trial, Munich, 2009. Top: central theme: the giant eyeball. Costumes: like a Magritte painting (surrealism).

The pupil of the eye spins on two axes (around and up and down). Actors have to climb on the sets. Unlimited angles.


Sergei Eisenstein

Battleship Potemkin, The Complete Odessa Steps Sequence


Lars Von Trier

Dogville, Grace at Work


Plataforma Integración Artística

Performance intervention into everyday space


Jorge Luis Borges

Babel Library


Franz Kafka


S t u d e n t       P r o j e c t s      /      2d   &   3d   A c t i o n s   &   P er f o r m a n c e   M a p p i n g    

S t u d e n t       P r o j e c t s      /       P r o g r a m      I n s e r t i o n      /      I n h a b i t a t i o n

F i n a l      P r e s e n t a t i o n     /       S t u d e n t s      B o a r d s

F i n a l      R e v i e w



  SPRING 2015    Alvarez Roger, Dixon Donovan, Durhan Nevnihal, Hutchinson Marvin, Mercado Hector, Mohebbi Rezazadeh Razieh, Molina Roceli, Navas Luis, Oney Asli, Pierre Valentin, Sakuma Mimu, Salazar Noelia, Spooner Gavin, Vega Edwin X, Zheludkova Tatiana

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